Ad360 REST API Documentation
With this API references list, you will find all endpoints and methods that you can publically access through Ad360 API:
You can use HTTP request to Ad360 endpoints with tools like Postman for example, or use an API Client to manage your Ad360 Media Objects (Campaigns, Line Items, Creatives...).
Ad360 Java Client GitHub Public Repository
The Ad360 Java API Client is meant to allow you to use any of the Ad360 Platform features programmatically. This way you can work at a large scale and automate your campaigns setups, management, or data analysis.
is a Java library that provides an interface between your Java application and Ad360's:
The Public Repo includes sample codes as well. You're free to submit Pull Requests if you'd like to enrich the public library of code samples.
Clients in other languages
The Ad360 REST API was created using Swagger 3.0.1, meaning that you can easily generate clients in multiple programming languages using the Swagger Editor with the API YML Swagger spec:
Using the Swagger Editor, you can generate clients in many languages, including: java, python, ruby, go, javascript, php, r, scala, and many others...